With the change in seasons approaching us, along with the current stress I’m feeling with my mounting to-do list (I know you have one, too!), I’ve had comfort on the brain. Comfort in terms of cozy clothes as we in the northern hemisphere are heading into autumn and maybe comfort for those friends of ours in the southern hemisphere looking forward to less clothes as they head into spring. I’ve been looking for sources of comfort in the food I’m eating (and the food I’m thinking about eating) and environments to sink into. And as I challenge myself to keep learning and growing photographically, I’ve been thinking a lot about photography that is in my comfort zone versus the kind that is not. So as I’ve been mulling over all these types of comfort, I thought it would be fun for us to muse together on this theme.

I’ve been thinking about cozy, comfy socks and hats like in these in self-portraits by Christy (on the right) and myself (on the left)…

If you follow Holly’s Flickr or Instagram feeds, you know this “soupatraveler” finds comfort in her almost daily soak…

15/30 Relaxing

Meanwhile, Lindsey and Debra had me practically drooling at the thought of the yumminess in these comfort foods coming out of the oven…

While Jenny has been really stretching out of her comfort zone as she practices taking self-portraits…


 And then, of course, there is the comfort we find in our relationships with our pets, shot by Cara on the left and Kirstin on the right…

Finally, there is comfort in a new babe joining the family ~ Ashley’s new bundle of joy!

snul-1010 RS

So what about you? What comes to mind when you think about comfort? Share with us your comfy clothes, the spaces where you feel most cozy. Show us the comfort food you are cooking up. Let us see the photography that is in your wheel house and push yourself to shoot content or in a style that is out of your current comfort zone. We’d love to see it all! And don’t forget to check our Intstagram feed as we will announce our weekly IG themes on comfort.

Off to put on some thick socks,

Meghan of Life Refocused