Some days I am so uninspired it hurts. Maybe it’s raining. Maybe work seems pointless. Maybe I didn’t get enough sleep last night.

On days like this there is nothing wrong – if there is, I can usually channel the wrongness somehow into my photography – but there is just nothing there to drive off the bleak and bland world.

On days like this, I would never have managed to complete two 365s – or had the courage to start on a third, as I will do today– without my camera phone.

With my phone always accessible in my purse (and oh how I come close to freaking out on the rare days when I forget it at home, or at work, or even manage to leave it somewhere where it gets stolen), I can snap myself out of a photographic funk simply by thinking, I am committed to taking a photo every day, and this is where I stand right now, so that is what I will shoot.This, I think, is what Linda Stokes is talking about when she says that you should make shooting with your phone a ritual.

And having committed to taking photos every day, I find that I become more and more open to the world around me, and I see the birds in the sky or the recently fallen snow on my way to work, even though it is early in the morning and I am still half asleep…

…and I see the light on the old-fashioned furniture in the laundry room (who knew a laundry room could have such poetic light?) and the curve of the cup and the table…

…and I know, by now, after two years of daily photography, that when all else fails, the lines of the subway coming into the station, or xpro processing of an early morning street scene, will never fail to move me.