Embracing February’s theme of collaboration, my dear friend, Celina Wyss, and I decided it was high time for us to make some photography magic together. Being enormous instant film photography fans and shooters, it was easy settle on Polaroids for our collaboration. Inspired by the diptychs of fellow photographers, we chose to shoot instant film and combine our work into diptychs. To add one more layer, we chose the theme of “love” for our first month of collaboration, it being February and Valentine’s Day after all. We didn’t share any other details as we shot photographs for this theme and collaboration. We wanted to be surprised and not overly influenced by one another, and just see what would develop. Without further ado…

We both found some hearts and love in window displays (mine on the left and Celina’s on the right)…


A word to go with the feeling (Celina’s on the left and mine on the right)…


And some more love hanging around our towns (mine on the left and Celina’s on the right)…

Febcollab3I’m so grateful that the February Mortal Muse theme of collaboration nudged Celina and I to finally start creating together. I love (couldn’t resist!) our first set of diptychs with one another. And I’m already looking forward to see what March brings. We will be sharing our diptychs each month on our own websites (Meghan and Celina), and we hope you’ll check them out!

Meghan of Life Refocused