I am less then one hundred days away from finishing my self portrait-365 challenge. I took a few minutes the other day to look back at my work thus far. Partly because I have been feeling incredibly uninspired when it comes to my project right now, partly to see just where this year has gone. How can we really be in October already? What I hadn’t expected to find was any sort of theme other then “me” in the images. But as I sifted through, I found so many fit perfectly into this month’s theme. Portals, there were so many different kinds of portals in my journey this year.

MortalMuse (1 of 1)-15

I love photography, I can transport myself and my audience into a story. I can keep them guessing and draw them in with one click of the shutter, if I do things right. How have you been interpreting October’s word? Have you placed yourself inside the frame and transported not just yourself, but your viewers somewhere new? Today I share with you a few of my self portraits that fit the theme and hopefully inspire you to not just look for entrances and exits, but to place yourself at the threshold and cross on through to the other side.

My creation