Yesterday I burned through a ten pack of film. Afternoon light shone like golden egg yolk through the kitchen window. Stuck in a slim glass, valentine flowers bloomed and wilted on the table. I picked up my camera and didn’t stop clicking until that familiar edginess to make a photograph faded.

winter earlier in the afternoon

I pulled the last tab through the camera, counted 170 seconds, then peeled the film apart. Upon first glance, nothing. I couldn’t find that sense I felt. A place of turning. Winter toward spring. Sorrow into conviction. I stepped back, walked away for a few minutes, then returned. Lined up on the table, the photographs read differently then I had first thought.

winter afternoon

This seems to happen a lot lately when I edit film. I need to spend more time reflecting on what I shot. I’ll have a specific look and feel in mind when I begin a photo shoot and end with maybe one or two frames that I originally intended to capture. The unexpected moments though are what I’m after.

Nikki | Art & Lemons