
One thing I have come to learn about my own photography is that it has a certain pace, a rhythm. This isn’t something that is unique to my photography, though – all of us have a pace to our photographs, and that pace somehow contributes to the overall style and vibe of our work.


I feel as though my work used to be fast-paced, and I think I can attribute that to being a few years younger than I am now. A lot can happen in six years, and my life experiences are not only slowing me down in my daily life in general, but in my photography, as well.


This “slowing down” is by no means a bad thing, though! I am happy to slow down, and I am looking forward to slowing down more and more as I mature as a photographer and grow as a human being.


I’m also inclined to think that the slow pace of my photography is a result of the fact that I am from the southeastern United States. We do things much more slowly down here than in other parts of the country, we really do – that is not a myth! I also grew up in a rural area where I was surrounded by the peace and quiet of foothills, pastures and creeks. My images have often been inspired by the quietness of the region where I grew up, and the distinct rhythm of the southern accent.


How do you define/describe the pace of your photography?
