It all started with a book. I was actually walking towards the magazines looking for Meghan’s feature when a book covered in butterflies caught my eye. I grabbed it intrigued by the title Milk and Honey, Contemporary Art in California and thumbed through it. The book showcases 54 artists, many who are painters and photographers that reside in sunny Southern California. Each artist talks about the influence of demographics on their craft. They list the pros and cons of living in a place where the sun shines 90% of the time and collectively seem to agree that it definitely impacts their work and sometimes even distracts. I never really thought about that, how much does the local weather play a part in the way I shoot? Maybe all this sunshine was conversely impacting me, in a distracting shiny object sort of way.
One of the artists, Barry McGee I immediately I recognized, his wall mural can be seen as you drive up to RVCA headquarters in Costa Mesa, Ca. RVCA also has a huge interest in supporting the arts check out ANP (Artist Network Program) that showcases talent worldwide. When in Orange County check out the same building to see the collaboration by Mac (representational figurines) and Retna (design/typography). You may remember the mural below I shot with the Spectra Polaroid. I later learned the halo around her head reads; “We come to you with open hands, we offer you the fruits of our toils. These are days when our hearts and our soul embrace the spirit of creation, for this we give thanks.”
RVCA Mural 09′ | iPhone, VSCO
I was really impacted by the fact that something so beautiful was just down the street from me and if I hadn’t pushed myself to explore the rest of the building I would have never seen this. It begs the question what else is out there waiting to be discovered? And since I, just like many of you out there, have jobs, kids and responsibilities that prevent me from travelling with my camera, it’s up to me to venture out past my neighborhood and hunt for the goods. This gave me the idea for our upcoming theme: Around Me.
Join us as we reach just a little further past our front door and venture out into uncharted territory that surrounds us. For me it’s easy, I live in the land of automobiles. I can jump in my car and in 30 minutes be at the beach, in 45 I can find myself in the garment district of downtown Los Angeles or I can drive 30 more minutes up the mountain and find snow. It’s really pretty incredible I won’t lie, I share those same road trip ideas with 38 million others. Yep 38 MILLION of us. But what I lack in solitude I make up for in sunshine, at least that’s what I tell myself.
Here are a few from my muses to get us thinking about places you might want to explore.
Debra said “this is a wall I walk by several times a week and just noticed one day as the sun hit it.”
Holly has an entire set on Flickr dedicated to her neighborhood in Manayunk.
Meghan found this gem of a guy on her walk the other day.
Jenny walked 30 steps out her door looked over and spotted a detail she had never seen before.
What will you find the next time you step out? Upload it to our Flickr Group or hashtag it #mortalmuses, we’re on Instagram.
Looking forward to visiting your world.
Lindsey aka modchik
Omg I just bought this book for my boss and co worker I do alot of work for these artists and am starting white dress part two somewhat because of it freaking radness!!!!!!
I love the serendipity. Funny I just opened this month’s copy of C magazine to find Barry McGee featured. 😀
wonderful! fantastic shots. I love exploring my neighbourhood
I love this theme, Lindsey!! Perfect for discovering the first small signs of spring and sunlight that are going to start showing up during the next month (living this far north, the local weather absolutely impacts the way I shoot).
Great theme, Lindsey. This is going to be lots of fun!
rolling up my sleeves. this is perfect for me right now since i’ll be moving soon, to motivate me to get the most out of this place before i leave it.
Perfect timing Cara one final push to capture this chapter in your life.
I get so excited when I read your words here, being I’m a southern California girl myself and I know just exactly what your talking about and oh my word, the photo in your post with the guy on the skate board on the freeway is AWESOME. Makes me sooo excited for March.
I feel like when I’m not shooting my kids, this is pretty much what I do with my camera – houses, signs, little neighborhood oddities, and showcasing the parts of the dc metro area that are special to me but that tourists aren’t likely to see – these are the things that get me excited about photography most days.
And I’m super excited to see others’ little corners of the world. This month is going to be especially fun!
I’m looking forward to it too, not having any future trips lined is starting to get to me. I’m looking at this new theme like a scavenger hunt.
This will be fun! I’m still discovering my town, despite living here for nearly 4 years.
I have been in mine for 12 and I just found a sculpture park in the midst of a business complex! Now I need to go back during the day with some cameras!
Love the new theme! I have fallen in love with my city because of my camera. Los Angeles has gone from a dirty city that forgets its inhabitants, to a beautiful old soul that holds many worlds together.
Los Angeles is amazing, every time I venture past the security of the “orange curtain” I always ask myself, why do I not drive into the city more often. I think people have no idea how spread out LA is, I can’t think of another city like it.
love this theme
Looking forward to seeing your hood!
I’m excited for this, Lindsey! I have so much exploring to do in my new beach town. Everything is new to me at this point, so thanks for thinking this up. ; ) I’ll be on the lookout for that book too.
I keep saying we (or I) need to organize an SoCal meet up, sounds like a good month to do that Jenny!